Saturday, April 10, 2010

Nicolas Anelka,France

Nicolas Anelka,France: Precocious talents have a way of getting chance after chance. His reputation as being difficult cost Nicolas Anelka six years out of the national team as he embarked on a series of high-profile, big-money transfers in which he mostly disappointed but usually showed just enough for someone else to take him in. In all, Anelka has already played for eight clubs, who spent a combined $136 million in their acquisitions of him, second-most ever. With a command of every single aspect of his profession, the striker has even developed into somewhat of a playmaker for France, which he steered through a difficult qualifying run for the 2010 World Cup.
Scouting thumbnail: Moody striker who has the entire package of skills, physical presence and ability to score in every fashion. Can play as the lead striker or the secondary striker and provide assists for his partner.

Is he suggesting that his goal is a single, seemingly pointless ripple; perhaps adding a flattering sheen to an otherwise meaningless game. Sure, while it has brought much joy and celebration to the Chelsea fans in that moment, they will forget about it as they make their way from the ground – whether off to slit a man’s face open, or retire to a Fulham Broadway coffee shop to talk loudly and vapidly about ‘the bee-yoo-dee-full gaayme’ . These are their only two options.
And yet. With his downbeat demeanour, Anelka seems to suggest to us that the very hour has darkened; the gnarled hands of fate unglove themselves and reach across a chromed sky, bundling the moon into a inky sack of darkness. This goal – pah! ‘goal’? – nay, this ‘dreadnought’ will have far greater reaching historical consequences.

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